Mike Ilitch School of Business

WSU's Facilities Planning and Management, Parking and Transportation Services, and Mike Ilitch School of Business have worked diligently with Olympia Development to provide parking options at both Olympia Development's facilities and WSU-owned facilities. Below is a list of available parking options and costs for the Ilitch School's students and employees. These rates reflect the ability to purchase daily parking through Olympia via credit card or to continue purchasing parking through Wayne State's OneCard/Parking Service Center via daily OneCard debit purchases or online semester pass sales. Using any of the WSU options will allow individuals to park for class during downtown events without paying the higher daily rates noted during events as long as your enter the Temple West garage prior to 6:30pm weekday event nights.  When parking using WSU credentials, it is set up for WSU official business/classes and not intended to be used to attend events.  Please note rates are subject to change.

Student locations available


OneCard Debit Per entry

Credit Card

(non-event days)

Credit Card

(event days)

Olympia Development's Temple West Garage 





WSU's Parking Structure 1 with free DART pass





Rare event fee changes

WSU's Parking Structure 7 + one on-campus, non-premium structure with free DART pass


$4.25 for PS 7 only, no additional location with daily fee



WSU's Parking Structure 6 (Welcome Center) student premium with free DART pass





Rare event fee changes

Other WSU non-premium student facilities on the main campus with free DART pass





Rare event fee changes

Low-cost WSU lots 12, 14 with free DART pass nearby IBio.




Based on time


Based on time


Faculty/staff locations available



(payroll deduct)

OneCard Debit Per entry

Credit Card

(non-event days)

Credit Card

(event days)

Olympia Development's Temple West Garage






Olympia Development's Temple West Garage + two on-campus non-premium locations






Olympia Development's Temple West Garage + two on-campus premium locations






WSU's Parking Structure 1 with free DART pass






Rare event fee changes

Other WSU premium faculty/staff facilities on main campus with DART pass






Rare event fee changes

Other WSU non-premium faculty/staff facilities on the main campus with DART pass






Rare event fee changes


While we understand that there is a significant price difference to use the Olympia Development facilities, they are convenient and close. There are also less-expensive options and we encourage you to explore them. Parking Structure 1 (Palmer and Cass) is our designated Mike Ilitch School of Business park-and-ride point.

In order to get around campus without walking or using a personal vehicle, please use the  Wayne State subsidized DART and MoGo passes, which are free to all enrolled students, as well as full and part-time employees. To request a DART eligibility code or sign up for an annual MoGo pass, see the main Transportation alternatives page.

Please note: Our campus, including the Medical Campus and Mike Ilitch School of Business, is well served by public transportation.

Alternatives for getting to Mike Ilitch from Parking Structure 1

  • The QLine picks up at Woodward and Ferry (a 5-minute walk from Structure 1) and drops off at Woodward and Sprout (outside the Ilitch School). It runs every 15-20 minutes.
  • The DDOT-4 Woodward bus picks up at Woodward and Palmer (a 4-minute walk from Structure 1) and drops off at Woodward and Temple (directly in front of the Ilitch School). It runs every 20 minutes.
  • The DDOT-16 Dexter bus picks up at Cass and Kirby (a 4-minute walk from Structure 1) and drops off at Cass and Ledyard (a 6-minute walk from the Ilitch School). It runs every 20 minutes.
  • There are seven MoGo stations on or immediately adjacent to campusincluding at Cass and Gilmour Mall (a 2-minute walk from Structure 1) and immediately outside the Ilitch School.

Olympia's Temple West Garage located at 123 W. Temple, Detroit, MI 48201 is open for Mike Ilitch School of Business semester and daily parking. Semester parking for both Olympia garages and all WSU parking facilities can be purchased at: https://wayne.t2hosted.com/Account/Portal.

For more information regarding available parking options, please feel free to contact parking@wayne.edu or 313-577-CARD (2273).