Parking Lots 51, 52 and 53 Technology Enhancements and Construction Updates

Construction and testing at Lots 51 and 52 is wrapping up and individuals assigned there will be able to park back at the lot beginning Wednesday, June 13, 2018. The newly combined lot will be designated solely as Lot 51. Thank you for your patience.

Lot 53 patrons, please be advised construction is slated to begin at Lot 53 on Thursday, June 14, 2018. During this time everyone assigned to lot 53 is asked to park in the newly renovated Lot 51 (4865 Fourth Street) or Parking Structure 2 (5150 John C. Lodge). Your parking assignment has been modified for access at both facilities. If you have any problems, please contact the 24/7 parking Command Center at 313-577-1979 and they will address.

Weather permitting, construction, equipment installation, and testing will be done between June 14 and June 29, 2018. This project consists of adding an entrance lane and redoing the exit lane, new OneCard Assigned and Debit readers, Credit Card, RFID and intercom will be incorporated into the entrance and exit. The parking meters will be removed.      

We apologize for the inconvenience, however look forward to the long term benefits of the enhancements. For your safety, please pay close attention to all construction signage, barricades and traffic cones. If you have any questions, please contact Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) at or 313-577-1979.

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