Midtown residents and contractors

Semester parking is available for Midtown Residents and Contractors as space allows. Midtown residents are required to use WSU's 24/7 parking facilities: Structure 1, 2 or 8. Contractors can request other WSU locations provided they adhere to the parking facility's normal operating hours. Midtown residents and contractors pay the premium, non-student rate.

To purchase a semester parking pass for the first time, you must go to the OneCard/Parking Service Center located at 42 West Warren Ave., Room 257, so that we may set up your account. After your initial registration and purchase, you can renew online by following our online renewal instructions.

Online renewal instructions

If you do not know your username or have forgotten your password, please contact the OneCard/Parking Service Center at 313-577-2273.

To set up your account:

  1. Go to the parking portal.
  2. On the parking portal click the "get permits" button at the bottom of the page to be taken to an authentication page.
  3. On the authentication page look for this option: "If you are a WSU affiliate and have had an account created for you by the parking office you 'click here to login.'"
  4. You will be redirected to a page titled "affiliate authentication" to login.
  5. Login: The "WSU ID" is the 9 digit number on the back of your white parking card.
  6. Password: Your password is the 6 digit customer UID that the parking office gave you.
  7. Once you login you'll be prompted to change this password and provide an email address at which we can contact you.

To log into your account:

  1. Once your password has been accepted the system requires you to login using the new password. Look for this option again: "if you are a WSU affiliate and have had an account created for you by the parking office you "click here to login".
  2. Click on the link to enter your parking card number and new password. This should log you into your account.
  3. Once you are logged in click "get permits"; select your permit to renew; check the box saying you understand the parking rules and regulations; press next.
  4. Select your current vehicle or add a new vehicle if one is not already in the system; press next.
  5. Choose your desired location. Affiliates who reside in nearby off-campus apartments can choose one location in either PS#8 or PS#1 our 24 hr structures. Contractors may choose one location depending on where you are working across campus.
  6. Add an address. Please note that only RENEWALS may be processed online. Since you already have an RFID tag, one will not be mailed to you, but we do need to have your address on file. Once you've added your address, return to the permit workflow and press next.
  7. Choose your payment method (online check or credit card); confirm the email address where you would like your receipt sent and press pay now.
  8. You will now be directed to Cashnet to enter your check or credit card information and pay.