Motorcycle parking
Wayne State University Parking and Transportation Services permits all validly licensed motorcycles to park in WSU parking lots and structures per the policy outlined below.
Motor Vehicle is defined as a four-wheel passenger vehicle powered by an engine and includes cars, vans, minivans and SUVs.
Motorcycle is defined as a two-wheel vehicle powered by an engine, but does not include motor scooters and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs).
Assigned parking Individuals who already have assigned parking for a motor vehicle in a university lot/structure and would like to have assigned parking for a motorcycle in an assigned lot/structure must purchase a sticker for $10 from the OneCard/Parking Service Center, located in Room 257 of the Welcome Center. The number on the sticker will coordinate with the assigned number on the current hangtag and must be placed on the left side of the motorcycle's front forks.
Unassigned and visitor/guest parking Individuals who wish to park motorcycles on campus in university lots/structures designated as unassigned parking may do so by paying the standard daily rate fee charged to students, visitors and guests for motor vehicles. The standard daily rate fee may be paid by cash or OneCard debit. Failure to pay the required standard daily parking rate fee will result in the motorcycle being ticketed and towed at the owner's expense.

- All motorcycles must be parked, like motor vehicles, within the parking lines.
- Currently, there are no parking spaces in university lots/structures designated specifically for motorcycles.
- Motorcycles are subject to the same parking restrictions, regulations and penalties as all other validly tagged motor vehicles.
- Motorcycles, all motorized scooters and unauthorized motor vehicles are not to be driven or parked on university malls, sidewalks, lawns or at bicycle racks.
- WSU is not responsible for damage to or loss of a motorcycle due to gate arm malfunction(s) upon entering or exiting university parking structures/lots.